I don't know about you, but every time I turn around my room is a MESS! Living in a small space is nice because I know where everything is, but I take one thing out to do a project and WOAH it's like a tornado hit.
No, I am not going to embarrass myself by posting a photo of my messy room, but I will tell you my cleaning secret. Since I can't seem to keep my thoughts organized when everything is a mess and I have a hard time making myself clean up I really needed to come up with some motivation.
Fortunately I now have some sweet inspiration.
About two months ago Chris was in town and we went out for a long day of wedding planning. I will spare you the details, but basically 7 hours into our trip and nothing decided on Chris turned the car around and took me to Anthropologie. He bought me a candle so that I wouldn't have to go home empty handed (obviously he's amazing).
Now, when my room is a mess I set a timer for either 15 or 30 minutes (depending on the clutter) and light the candle. The aroma from the candle reminds me to stay calm and fills my room with a fresh clean scent. When the candle is lit I know it is time to get to work. Setting a timer really helps because it gives me a challenge to see how much I can get done in such little time. It also keeps me from slacking off or getting distracted when it is time to clean.
If you find yourself surrounded by clutter and can't seem to find any motivation to clean things up start your own cleaning ritual. I am only writing about mine because it helped me a lot!
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